At many times in your life, you will reach a fork in the road. Some times it’s expected. Some times it’s not. Although, even if it doesn’t feel like it, it will alway be a necessity. Forks only happen when a change needs to be made. When the option to continue on your path is no longer an option.
It’s an easy argument to make that most humans fear change. Whether it’s latent or on the surface, the desire to keep on the known path from crib to coffin is almost universal. Even if it means staying in a bad situation — because even good change is unknown change. Yet, throughout the course of our lives, we see change as really the one true constant. Each, action, each decision, each move we take, creates a ripple in what was once a still pond. Well, the illusion of stillness, anyway.
One side of the coin is that things don’t always go in our favor. We fail a test. We get dumped. We get fired. We stay at jobs we hate. Fires. Car accidents. Losing a pet. Losing a loved one. Each of these bent tines in the forks of our lives are a conduit for change. Is it painful to endure these things? Yes, of course. One could even argue that pain is but one of the compulsory experiences you will endure innumerable times in your life. Pain is real. Suffering is real. Tragedy is real. To deny them is to deny reality. But, just as in good times, bad times are not the be-all, end-all you will have in your life. The shadows prove the sunshine just as much as the sunshine creates the shadows.
On the flip side is the unexpected roads. The serendipitous journeys we find ourselves on — at times on the spur of the moment. Opportunity lives here. Success lives here. Contentment lives here. These are the moments we cherish and share with others. You could say that there are many times when the unexpected roads we find ourselves on were really our purpose in life in disguise the entire time. The road you were meant to travel on was the one you stumbled upon and kept going.
Whatever phase you are in in your life at this particular moment, it took a lot of change to get there. A lot of growth; and with that growing pains. A seemingly arbitrary avenue can transform into an advantageous passage if you embrace it. Plans change. Life changes. Everyone you know is not the person they once were. So, with each revision, learn and grow from it.
And, as the great Yogi Berra once proclaimed, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”