Being lied to sucks. Being lied to to your face sucks even more. Being lied to your face, and finding out the actual truth perhaps an hour, at most, is infuriating. Which is a simple example of the pure truth of how fragile trust truly is. And why we cannot believe our own species.
Humans are flawed. I am a perfect example of this. But, as defective as our species is, we create our own disasters. There is always a storm on the horizon; but, ten to one, it is of our own making. Humans create hurricanes and dwell within them. Not intentionally, mind you, but that doesn’t varnish the harsh truth of why we can never full live with our own race. What we seek out, we wish to destroy. Not immediately, but in the long run. History is a blatant illustration of this. Why? Because, in the long run, it is the perpetuant of change. Change being the constant formula for the perpetuant of our species.
Yet, there is no excuse for the destuction of the fragility of assurance. When you lie, you break an expantant contract of honesty and bond with your fellow man. Plain and simple. When you deny someone the honest truth, you make them doubt, not only themselves, but what they know to be true. A white lie can lead to a pebble’s throw against the mirror of someone’s mirror of reality. A blatant stone of deception will cause someone to alter their perception of, not only who you are, but who they are. You break what they know to be true. A disrepair that may take years, if ever, to repair.
So, as Shakespeare once said, “No legacy is so rich as honesty.” Truth hurts. But not nearly as much as a lie. So why deny someone something so important as sincerity. When you lie, you damage two people: yourself and who you are lying to.
In the end, when you lie to someone, you lie to y0urself, as well.
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