Today marks the eleventh anniversary of the day you were taken from us. Eleven years has passed since you gasped for your last breath and Death took another soul from this Earth. Eleven years have come and gone and I still love you and miss you dearly. Dear Dad, I do miss you so.
Dear Dad, much has changed since you've been gone. Sis had two kids, a girl and a boy. You would have been a grandpa and spoiled them rotten before sending them home. I do believe you hand picked them and my sister is certain of it. Don't worry, they are taking after her and her independent nature. I have taken after you and became the eternal bachelor. I go hiking in the spring and summer; and go camping, as well. I'm still a gamer and you'll be pleased to know that my writing is finally getting some attention. I know you would have been proud.
Dear Dad, it hasn't been easy since you've been gone. You left a huge home in my heart that took years to scar over. I also took care of your parents for you; both of whom have joined you on the other side. I was there when grandma's memory was eaten away by dementia. I was there when diabetes took grandpa's foot and when he was diagnosed with the cancer that would later claim his life. Dear Dad, it's been a rough go since you've been gone.
Dear Dad, I want you to know that I have moved forward with my life. I can't honestly say that I've moved on, because there will never be a replacement of you; and I will live with the memories of that night so as long as I take air in my lungs.
Dear Dad, last, and most important, I want to thank you for coming into our lives to stay. You didn't have to become our day, but you chose to become him. I don't know if we told you enough, but you did an amazing job (to put it lightly). You took us under your wing and built a life worth living. You taught us so much and made memories that will last a lifetime. You guided us, but allowed us to make our own decisions and build lives for ourselves. I know it wasn't easy on you, but I promise you it was worth it in the long run. You taught us to think for ourselves and showed us how.
Dear Dad, if I ever become half the husband and father you were, I will count it as my greatest accomplishment. I'm proud of you. I love you and miss you dearly.
Your son,