So, there were two quotes that I read months ago; and some advice I got from some hot sauce (believe it or not) recently that I need to put out there to the world. At the end of the post, I'll post post the pictures of all three, for visual effect.
I'll start with the first one: "Old ways do not open new doors." Let that one sink in for a moment. Old ways, may it be your past, bad habits, addictions, whatever they may be, do not open new doors. What has happened has happened and what's done is done. Period. That's it. You cannot change the past and you cannot fix what has already been sealed with the sands of time. Old ways do not open new doors and the things of your past are holding you back from a beautiful future. Why? Because that's what happens when you keeping holding on to something you should have let go of and moved on from. And the longer you hold on to things that are dead and gone, the longer it takes for opportunity to actually show its face. By holding on to your past, you are denying yourself a future.
The second quote is this: "Fear is a mind killer." Again, this much you know is true. But what it really boils down to is what are you really afraid of? Fear of success is often the disguise of fear of failure and vice versa. Also fear of the future is actually the result of the fears of the past. Are you going to continue holding yourself by what happened or are you going to forgive yourself and move on with your life? Because, in full honestly, the only thing holding you back is you. And why are you letting yourself do that? You're better than that and you know it.
Now, finally, the advice from the hot sauce. It's a two-parter: "If you never do, you'll never know" and "You have chosen wisely." Listen to your intuition. Listen to God. Listen to your friends and family. And then go forth and make it happen. Because, as the saying goes "Faith without works is dead." If you never take that risk, you will never have that reward.